Mars Life


Spring, comics, and not being a slacker

Huzzah! After much waffling on Mother Nature's part, it seems as if spring has finally sprung here in Chicago. Monday was an OK day to bring my winter coat in to work, but yesterday it was brought with me solely for "just-in-case" reasons. As it turns out, while wearing it on the ride home on the el, I felt that familiar, unwelcome, and probably better left unmentioned trickle of sweat down my back, and I knew it was finally time to don the yellow reversible Adidas windbreaker. I'm kind of glad, too, because the winter coat is on its last legs, having two broken zippers, I'm somewhat tied to fastening the front via the series of snaps alone. Sigh. At least it doesn't look as bad as it sounds.

So I've had another thought about the blog recently, one that better fits in line with where I'm aiming the compass of my life lately. After seeing things like Alien Loves Predator, Robot Comix, and Spamusement, I've been thoroughly entertained up until the point where I actually smacked my forehead and had a moment of clarity. Why am I not increasing my range of drawn characters, producing more work for my portfolio, and providing some real entertaining content by writing my own simple online comic? I mean, I don't want to be a writer per se, though the term writing can be so loosely applied to so many things, such as a comic strip. But I think you probably get what I'm getting at here, namely that I don't want to be an essayist or a novelist, so why not actually update my blog with cartoons?

OK, so that's the first step of defining my purpose has been in place for some time, now I've envisioned a better outcome, so next up is brainstorming. This will involve me coming up with an actual context for the comic. We shall see what I can come up with. Now to step back for a minute. The beginning of this paragraph most likely sticks out like a sore thumb as sounding all management-y and self-help-y. People, if you've seen the past entry about my relationship with self-help philosophies, then you may suspect I've adopted a new one. You'd be right, I'm trying to mend my slackerly/procrastinator ways. Ironically enough I've been meaning to write about it for about a week now, and hopefully I'll get the chance to soon.

Until then, I'll be brainstorming, and you'll know when I've finally got something drawn.

More to come.


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